Basic informationCharacter name: Sinya
Age: 23
Country: Sweden
Class: Death Knight
Professions: Blacksmithing, Jewelcrafting
A link to your character on Armory: you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: Since you're looking for a tank, I'm in my tanking gear. But I've been a DPS mainspec since Ulduar, and my DPS gear is leaps ahead of my tanking gear. Also got 1800rating PVP gear.
Previous experienceHow long have you played WOW? Since mid-TBC. Played it with a group of friends and we did some casual raiding. The only bits that allowed 10man, i.e Karazhan and ZA, where I was the main tank.
What is your raiding experience? TBC: Karazhan, ZA, Gruul, Magi. Wotlk: Everything on Normal, Glory Ulduar, 5/5 TOGC 10man mad skill achievement at proper gear levels, and all of ICC with 10/12 (Wiped on Sindragosa HM at 7% >_>) 10/25 heroic. RS 10/25
Do you have any other characters (server/name/class)? None, this is my main.
Your guild historyPrevious guilds and why did you leave them?
I transferred to this server from Lightning's Blade because the 10man group I've been in since TBC went inactive and I felt like being on a good server for a change. I've been in Offline and Induce, both which disbanded, and Innervate, who I raided with for a month, before leaving because of RL issues, which are now resolved.
Current situationWhy did you choose us? Ever since I started playing MMOs I've been in small tight-knit groups of people who had a quality over quantity approach while also remaining casual enough for RL not to take an impact. That is the feel I get from this guild. I felt like I wouldn't have time with Innervates raid schedule because I got an increased workload in RL, but the raiding times in this guild are few enough that I'll have time for other things, and they're all on my off work days
I also like that you're a bit older than the average gamer, which allows for a more relaxed and understanding environment.
What do you expect from us? A friendly vent chat and all around in game competence. Having fun doing things and not being srs bsns screaming each other down on vent, while also progressing at a good pace. Also a will to go for the quirkier and more optional achievements and silly kills, while progressing on hard modes before the content is outdated.
What do you feel can you contribute with to the guild? The same things that I expect from you. I have loads of experience when it comes to Wow and MMOs in general. I understand how things work both on a game level and a group level, as I've lead and organized guilds. I know my class pretty much inside out, read up on boss encounters and EJ, and I've tanked and DPS'd all the content. You can expect me to know what I'm doing and also doing it well. Thinking outside the box when its needed, helping out, going for misc achievements and fun stuff, while also being chatty on vent/gchat.
Do you know any players already in the guild? Who? None, unfortunately
Do you have a working microphone? Absolutely. And I love to chat :>
Tell us a little about yourselfFeel free to add any other information you find relevant
I stepped back to a DPS role after Ulduar, so the tanking gear I'm currently showcasing is my off-spec. My DPS-gear is at a pretty high standard, and I was pulling 13k DPS on Saurfang 25m pre 4.0.1 in my unholy spec, to give an estimate of what kind of numbers I could do with it.
That said, you can see in my armory that I'm sure to keep it as up-to-date as I simply can, as evidenced by pillars of might and boots of kingly upheaval, both being expensive craftables. I wouldn't say that the gems right now are 100% optimal, mainly because 4.0.1 with its stat changes screwed some of it up, and I haven't had a look at it, as I didn't believe I would tank anything serious until Cataclysm. That said, I'm willing to change up all of my gear if needed. But i have tanked RS10 and LK with the gear currently showcased in the armory. (The spec is also something I threw together to give blood tanking a go and I'll have another look at as needed) I haven't played around to much with the new DK blood changes since 4.0.1, and feel that aoe-tanking is slightly harder when d&d is off cooldown, and initial aggro is a bit lower, but I'm sure its a minor thing that I'll learn to deal with soon enough.
I also want to mention that my first Lich King kill was in a PUG group that I organized before being in a guild, with other people who didn't have the kill. I wanted to get Lich King down so I read up on the fight and taught it to 9 other people and motivated them to wipe enough times to get it down, while solo tanking it (because the other tank wasn't up to par) in way crappier gear than I have now.
Please make sure you are logged out in your PvE raiding gear.
Will do, and I look forward to hearing from you.