Basic information
Character name: Breé
Age: 18
Country: England
Class: Priest
Professions: Tailoring and Enchanting, both at 525
A link to your character on Armory: you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: I know that most of my gear is healing gear, but with the hit/spirit it works, I think the only weak things are my trinkets, but I am working to get new ones!
Previous experience
How long have you played WOW? I started in the spring before Wrath of the Lich King, when ever that was!
What is your raiding experience? Naxx 10/25 (all), OS10/25 (all), EoE 10, Ulduar 10 (all but Yogg-Sarron), ToC 10/25 (all some HC too), ICC 10/25 (12/12),
Cata raids, BwD 3/5, BoT 2/4, ToFW 0/2 (have had a bash at the Conclaves, did not get them down)
Do you have any other characters (server/name/class)? On this server I have a lvl 85 holydin, and a new 85 worlock, and an 85 hunter on a diffrent realm (Scarshield Legion) ((A lot of these are on a diffrent account which I do not use any more, so I dont have the achivements on Breé!))
Your guild history
Previous guilds and why did you leave them?
I am in Animalia at the moment, but the raid quite early for me, and they are not in need of a Shadow Priest for their 10 man.
Current situation
Why did you choose us? I have been looking on forums and you seem like a good guild with steady progress.
What do you expect from us? A friendly, active guild who do not rage or get angry and who always need a shadow priest in their raids
What do you feel can you contribute with to the guild? I am a friendly person who really enjoys the game and I always like to help people if they are in need of assistance with things.
Do you know any players already in the guild? Who? Nope
Do you have a working microphone? I do, but I don't tend to talk much, if at all.
Tell us a little about yourself: I love PVP! I am very good with tactics, and almost theorycrafting them, I can explain them pretty simply for most people who need it.
Feel free to add any other information you find relevant. The reason a lot of my gear is healing is because I have just gone back to shadow after being bored to death of healing. Shadow was my main spec for wrath and i wanna go back to it!!
Please make sure you are logged out in your PvE raiding gear.