Basic information
Character name: Torien
Age: 18
Country: Sweden
Class: Paladin Prot
Professions: 525 Herb 525 Alchemy
A link to your character on Armory: you have any other relevant gear, please describe it:
Previous experience
How long have you played WOW? lets see, about a year after WoW was offical released
What is your raiding experience?
I started seriosly raiding when I was lvl 80 on my dk did 14/15 in naxx10man. Then I moved to my paladin that I succeded doing ToC full + ToGC 4/5, moved on to ICC 10man 12/12 and 7hc. In cata I have done 9/12, only the last bosses remains. Nuke down Chogall to 13%.
Do you have any other characters (server/name/class?)
Outland/Gadelous/Warrior 85
Frostmane/Iyina/Death Knight 85
Frostmane/Stoon/Priest 69
And alots of others.
Your guild history
Previous guilds and why did you leave them?
Been in many guilds, the 1 that I did 9/12 was with GSE, reason I left the guild was because I got ignored during raids and got blamed that I die alot and not using CDs. I was not pleased how the guildleader took items without rolling or. Some raid people in the guild were lacking concentration when listening to the leader or watching DBM to see the bosses attacks, were merly many wipes because people didnt watch them.
Current situation
Why did you choose us?
I want to aim higher then 9/12 , have had got 9 kills for 3 weeks without any progress.
What do you expect from us?
Loyal teamm8s, fun and social raidings, want to succeed with something good.
What do you feel can you contribute with to the guild?
My skills in tanking, being friendly to newbs( if im allowed to stay), my experince in raiding.
Do you know any players already in the guild? Who?
Do you have a working microphone?
No, but I got headset with a broken Mp .
Tell us a little about yourself
Well Im a 18 and half year old guy from Sweden with half foreign decended from Thailand. Im studing my last year at high school with the subject Natur Science(boring) and aiming to join the army. I play WoW atleast 1-3 hours a day , not if raiding then its 5h+.
Feel free to add any other information you find relevant
Please make sure you are logged out in your PvE raiding gear.