Character Name: Yms
Class & Spec / Off-Spec: Protection MS / Fury OS
Professions: Enchanting 525 / Jewelcrafting 519
Armory Link (logged out in correct gear): 18
Country: Finland
If you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: Well, I have decent dps gear, fully gemmed and enchanted. Ilvl of the gear is around 353.
I have played as fury and arms warrior before, basically defeating the whole normal content of 4.0 as one.
Switching to play an off-spec is no problem from my part.
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: I have been playing World of Warcraft for around 3,5 years or so. I've had few breaks during the years, though.
What is your Raiding experience?: In TBC:
Gruul's Lair,
SSC 2/6
TK 1/4
I raided as a mage in tbc. /armory Oreo if you please.
All 3.0 content clear. (mainly as a DK tank, my ex-main, Rukash)
Ulduar 10/25 up to the keepers of Ulduar
ToC 10/25 clear
ToGC 10 5/5 + tribute to insanity
ICC10 12/12 and 9/12 hc
In Cataclysm:
All normal modes cleared 12/12
1/13 heroic modes
+ countless attempts on chimmy and maloriak hc before the initial collapse of Perdition's playerbase
Do you have any other MMO gaming experience?:I used to play Guild Wars up and until the release of Nightfall, not that the games are even a bit alike
Do you have any recent logs of yourself raiding? (i.e. World of Logs):Perdition unfortunately didn't put any logs to one of the various websites.
Do you have any other characters or alts? (Server / Name / Class / Spec):The ones worth mentioning are:
Soteria - lvl 85 Disc/Holy priest
Rukash - lvl 85 Blood/Unholy DK
and I have alot of lower-level fun alts
What was your previous guild and why did you leave them?:My previous guild was/is Perdition, a fully Finnish raiding guild.
Due to the inactivity of the core members of the guild I decided to start the search for a new guild,
preferably one with atleast decent progression and good reputation.
Do you know any players in Entourage; past or present?:I don't know any players from Entourage.
Do you have a working microphone and do you use it in raids?:I do and I will use it, I find it almost a mandatory to have a microphone when raiding to provide easy communication with the raid.
Do you feel you can maintain near 100% raid attendance and be on time for raid invites whilst in the guild?Yes. I might occasionally miss a raid or two due to soccer, which I still play quite actively. This, however, hasn't turned out to be a problem
considering my attendance and raiding in Perdition.
What is your Internet connection like and your typical in-game ms?:I've got a stable interent connection, I'm not aware of the exact specs but I've never had problems with latency nor disconnecting.
The typical in-game ms goes back and forth between 40-80 ms.
Check out my older application too!
It might include something I forgot to put to this one.