Character Name:Ovey
Class & Spec / Off-Spec: MS: Arcane, OS:Frost
Professions: Herbalism, Alchemy
Armory Link (logged out in correct gear):
If you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: just a few pvp scraps
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: since the first beta of wow.
What is your Raiding experience? (Vanilla / TBC / WotLK / Cata):i've raided as a dwarf hunter in pre-tbc this was all kinda new to me and i've only gotten to a few bosses, in TBC i had my greatest time of all raiding TK,BT etc... was in a good raiding guild with alot of nice people rly enjoyed my time there. Wotlk was a good raiding experience but social wise i didnt have a good guild always picky etc. . Cata raiding i have yet to discover
Do you have any other MMO gaming experience?:i have played other mmo-games but they cant compete to wow (Rift,Allods,4story,RS)
Do you have any recent logs of yourself raiding? (i.e. World of Logs): /
Do you have any other characters or alts? (Server / Name / Class / Spec): Yes leveling alts atm so they aren't 85 yet
What was your previous guild and why did you leave them?: No previous guild just social lvling guild
Do you know any players in Entourage; past or present?: Nope i'm brand new to this realm actually have 6 days played on it.
Do you have a working microphone and do you use it in raids?:Yes
Do you feel you can maintain near 100% raid attendance and be on time for raid invites whilst in the guild?: I'm mostly available during the week and weekends if i am lucky
What is your Internet connection like and your typical in-game ms?:i have a average frames of 30-40 and a stable MS of 100.