Character Name: Lockmybllz
Class & Spec / Off-Spec: Demo warlock / affli offspec atm but might switch back to destro since this is my 1st love but since 4.2 it took a beating.
Professions: Engineering (might delete and switch to tailoring since it messes with demospec cdmanagement
, enchanting, 1st aid, cooking, fishing, archy
Armory Link (logged out in correct gear): 27
Country: The Netherlands
If you have any other relevant gear, please describe it:
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: Been playing since Vanilla with breaks in between but this sucker always draws me back in.
What is your Raiding experience? (Vanilla / TBC / WotLK / Cata): Basically cleared all content spreaded over the characters that were my main at the time. Wotlk 11/13 HC Cata 6/12 HC ( played in nr2 guild on Kilrogg at the time) 7/7 in Firelands with attempts on Shan and Rhyo HC.
Do you have any other MMO gaming experience?: Hello Kitty Online says HI!
Do you have any recent logs of yourself raiding? (i.e. World of Logs): Cauterize (former guild) didnt keep logs :S
Do you have any other characters or alts? (Server / Name / Class / Spec): Got a retpala who I been neglecting with a passion, and currently leveling a mage.
What was your previous guild and why did you leave them?: <Cauterize>, since i joined there was drama with officers leaving, leader being a lootwhore which resulted in switching me out as soon as we went Shannox HC cus shiny ring is shiny! Then all of a sudden they switched 10man to 25man.
Do you know any players in Entourage; past or present?: Don't think so.
Do you have a working microphone and do you use it in raids?: Aye.
Do you feel you can maintain near 100% raid attendance and be on time for raid invites whilst in the guild?:80% no problem whatsoever if work doesn't interupt
Always on time though.
What is your Internet connection like and your typical in-game ms?:
40Mbit 13ms ingame
Feel free to add any other information about yourself or your character that you find relevant to this application.
Currently joined <sigil> as a social just to have a social environment. But they dont have spot as raider for me so please dont let that get in the way.