Character Name: Nematelic
Class & Spec / Off-Spec: Night elf and balance, Resto as off specc
Professions: 525 enchanting and alchemy
Armory Link (logged out in correct gear): 16
Country: Sweden
If you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: Got gear for feral atm gemed for tanking but can be changed.
How long have you been playing World of Warcraft?: been playing wow for about 2.5 years now and played my druid for about a year.
What is your Raiding experience? (Vanilla / TBC / WotLK / Cata): Didn't play Vanilla and TBC have cleared everything tho, During wrath i played my rogue where i cleared naxx 10/25, ulduar 10 10/13 ulduar 25 12/13, ToC 10/25 cleared, ToGC 10 2/5, ToGC 3/5, ICC 10/25 normal cleared, ICC 10 hc 5/12, ICC 25 hc 9/12, Tier 11 10 man 12/12, Tier 11 25 man 11/12, Tier 11 hc 25 man 3/13, Tier 11 hc 10 man -. Tier 12 6/7 with rag on 4%
Do you have any other MMO gaming experience?: No not really, played runescape but can't call that getting experience and it was like 8 years ago
Do you have any recent logs of yourself raiding? (i.e. World of Logs): Unfortantly not
Do you have any other characters or alts? (Server / Name / Class / Spec): Got alts but they are all horde and not planning to change them atm, got prot pally wich is the only one geared enough to actually raid, Named devartie and is a blood elf.
What was your previous guild and why did you leave them?: The most recent guild i leaved was Hardcore Casuals wich i leaved cause it died and quit raiding, other then that i really haven't had any serious guilds none that i can't remember atleast, Was one back in WoTLK when i was horde on jaedenar named mental wich i only were in for about a month.
Do you know any players in Entourage; past or present?: I do not since i pretty much just changed to alliance
Do you have a working microphone and do you use it in raids?: I do have a working mic haven't been using it latley cause i haven't needed really, will do if needed.
Do you feel you can maintain near 100% raid attendance and be on time for raid invites whilst in the guild?: For now yes i do, dunno how that will look in a year or two or maybe even in couple of months but for now it looks straight forward and i have the time to raid.
What is your Internet connection like and your typical in-game ms?: Got 100 mibt/s net the ingame home ms usually is around 20 and the world ms around 30-40, the fps is most often around 50 i never lag or dc during raids so it should be fine