Basic informationCharacter name: Sekx (Please don't be alarmed by the rather childish name, my room mate decided that it'd be a good idea if he was to rename me)
Age: 19
Country: Canada
Class: Warrior
Professions: 525 Mining, 503 Jewelcrafting
A link to your character on Armory: you have any other relevant gear, please describe it: My fury off spec gear is decent, just need one or two more items from heroics and I'm set in terms of pre-raid gear.
Helm: Bloodied Pyrium Helm
Neck: Gift of Nadun (Ramkahen Exalted Reward)
Shoulders:Pauldrons of the High Requiem - Justice Points Reward
Cloak:Shadow of the Past (Heroic)
Chest:Elementium Deathplate
Bracers:Alpha Bracers (333, normal)
Sword of the bottomless pit (Heroic)
Foe Reaper (Heroic)
Trinkets: Right eye of Rajh (Heroic)
Mark of Khadros (Heroic)
Rings: Umbriss Band (heroic)
Red Rock Band (Ramkahen Rep Reward)
Boots: Waywatcher's Boots (Hyjal Rep Reward)
Greaves of Gallantry (Justice Points Reward)
Waist: Belt of the Ferocious Wolf (Hyjal Rep Reward)
Gloves: Gear marked Gauntlets.
Total Stats:AP: 8300
Haste: 6.97
Hit: 13.30%
Crit: 14.50%
Expertise 19/19
Mastery: 14%
Previous experienceHow long have you played WOW? I've been playing World of Warcraft a few months after the release of Vanilla WoW.
What is your raiding experience? Although I do not have the achievements on this character, I have it spread over several characters, mainly on US servers. Normally, I would provide an armory link, however after checking the link, apparently my US toons are not viewable on armory due to inactivity </3. Anyway:
Vanilla WoW: ZG, AQ20, MC (10/10), BWL (8/
, AQ40 (6/9) and that's about it. p.s being a nature damage absorb tank on princess (with not enough NR is NOT fun
Burning Crusade: Kara (11/11), Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon's Lair, ZA (No bear, hurr durr), SSC (6/6), Hyjal (5/5), TK (4/4) and that's about as far as I got before quitting. All raids were cleared before Blizzard decided it would be a good idea to nerf raids :>
Wrath of the Lich King (Finally, content that I can vouch for with achievements on my character!) As a warrior, I tanked through all of Naxxramas, Ulduar (As DPS, except Algalon). I've thrown in a couple of attempts at OS3D, back when it was relatively difficult, as well as having killed Malygos. After experiencing these raids, I stopped hard core raiding and ended up becoming a casual when TotC was released, followed by ICC.
Do you have any other characters (server/name/class)?Zenedar, Ignoramus, Rogue, 85.
Zenedar, Chaintrain, Shaman, 85.
As well as a bunch of 80+ alts that I barely play
Your guild history (On this server)Previous guilds and why did you leave them? I actually transferred to Outland when I was 80, so my history of guilds isn't as colorful as I'd like it to be. Besides the point - I'm currently in a level 14 guild called Devious. Reason for wanting to leave it? I originally joined the guild just for the perks, but now that I'm almost done farming rep, etc - I'm now ready to join a guild that raids ^^
Current situationWhy did you choose us? After forum trolling for god knows how long in search of an easy going raiding ten man guild (Sounds like a mouthful, I know. I'm kinda picky
) that raid on the days that I can, as well as at the times that I can (Since I'm in Canada and I currently go to a University - hence the pickiness) I finally came across you guys! An added value to Entourage, is that because it is in fact a ten man guild - it means that unlike other bigger guilds, the members actually know each other, and thus creating a better social environment both in raids and out of it (Or so I'd like to think
What do you expect from us? Nothing short of what the forum post suggested. "Our goal now is too offer a place where our members can enjoy their raids, aimed towards good PvE progression throughout all of Cataclysm, while not drowning themselves in the game for more than is needed to accomplish this." +1 for the great philosophy :>
What do you feel can you contribute with to the guild? After I've maxed out my Jewelcrafting - I'd be more than happy to offer cuts, etc to guildies. Besides equipping the guild with an extra tank, I'd show up to raids with a positive attitude, well prepared in terms of bringing consumables for myself and extras for people who need them, just in case - as well as having learned the tactics for upcoming boss fights (as well as trash) - Since i'm completely new to Cataclysm raids.
Do you know any players already in the guild? Who? None :<
Do you have a working microphone? I'm currently using an in-built mic on my lap top along with a head set - which works fine, but I'm going to buy a proper mic and head set in the near future.
Tell us a little about yourself
Feel free to add any other information you find relevant
Hai guys. My name's Ahmed, I'm 19 and I currently live in Canada, Montreal. I'm a Canadian-Arab, and I used to live in Dubai.
Things I like to do in my spare time (WoW aside!) include mostly sports. I enjoy playing Hockey and Rugby (Although I really do suck at football).
I attend MMA classes quite regularly and uh, I liek mudkipz.
Other than that, I have an easy going personality and I consider myself quite social. In terms of World of Warcraft, I love raiding, but PvP will forever be my passion! I enjoy experiencing new content, whether it be trash clearing or wiping on bosses - it all accounts to experience and will benefit me by learning.
Please make sure you are logged out in your PvE raiding gear.Will do!
Thank you for reading my application!